Magazine for Design

Magazine for Design

Magazine for Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Virtual Growth

The Virtual Plant project includes interface visual design, poster design and graphic aided design. People can experience life through digital plants, giving people a new sense of visual experience. At the same time, it provides users with an App with various functions related to reducing carbon footprint and promoting environmental protection. Bright and vibrant colors in UI design can convey positive emotions, evoke emotions, and help create a connection between users and a product or brand.

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Digital Human

Digital human live platform has created a new scheme for online live sales, which facilitates the digital transformation of the whole industry, and accelerates the development and commercial realization. And it conforms to the multidimensional integration of the global economy, markets, and commodities. As a permanent digital asset of an enterprise, digital human live will connect brands with consumers, and provides new growth space for brand efficiency, then truly making live marketing of this brand sustainable and durable.

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Seismic Mobile

The seismic app provides an instant security service for facilities collaborating with seismic sensors wirelessly. The system consists of sensors, modems, and an app that enables remote management of sensor setup, settings, radars, and notifications. Instead of a handheld device, this app provides the simple benefit of only being on your mobile phone. Despite the technical content, it is designed for everyday app usage. Thus, the interaction is easy for every user. Alarms, cautions, and sensor states are demonstrated in distinctive colors on a dark background to make them easy to recognize.

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EasyMed, an AI-powered mobile application, aims to assist users in quickly and accurately identifying interactions between drugs and between drugs and food. It achieves this with a notable accuracy rate of 93% and a comprehensive database containing 200,000 drug-drug pairs and 330,000 drug-food pairs. Additionally, EasyMed offers functionalities such as drug list management and access to informative articles on polypharmacy, catering to a diverse range of user needs.

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Wel AI

The concept integrates AI into daily email processes, facilitating analytical reading and offering a conversational approach to seamless email composition, guidance, and drafting. The design stands out for creating a flexible and respectful collaboration between humans and AI, provides assistant that is just right. The design also cultivates a personal writing style and a social relationship library, benefiting both the user and the AI, encouraging growth and improvement like a supportive buddy in life.

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O'friends, symbolizing old friends, is designed to bolster lasting friendships among young adults. Amidst bustling lives and vast distances, it pioneers pathways for users to recollect old moments, communicate emotions, and forge new memories. The app artfully bridges diverse life rhythms, with features highlighting friends based on time zones and availability. It also enables rich interaction: voice messages, photo shares, and a shared virtual memory haven. It encourages rekindling past bonds with ice-breaking prompts, ensuring friendships thrive in today's fast-paced world.

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