Magazine for Design

Magazine for Design

Magazine for Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Blood Value

When people have surgery in the hospital, the doctor need a lot of blood. Faced with some special patients, you will find that the inventory is insufficient. You will waste a lot of time in finding a matching blood. This wasted time will miss the best treatment time for this patient. The supporter call on those healthy people to donate blood through legal channels. Every one want to build a qualified service platform. Allow fast lanes between hospitals. some people can help those who need help. At the same time, person can reduce many illegal activities such as buying and selling blood.

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Hango is an iOS app for splitting the bill in restaurants. In order to split the bill a user needs to scan a check, select people dinning with him at the moment, split items from a check between participants and receive the money back. Items are automatically recognized and splitting happens via a simple drag and drop gesture. Other participants of the dinner only need to confirm their order and pay the money back using a fingerprint scanner. The app design in lightweight, clean and focused on one primary task. Motion and animation is carefully used to support a user along the journey.

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Memo Health

The centerpiece of Memo Health design is the feel of intelligence, derived from actively interacting with user, as opposed to serving as a passive tool. This unifies with a light skeuomorphic approach, offering user the sense of attachment, as if they are operating this APP like that of a piece of Memo, commonly, stuck on the family fridge. The amalgamation of intelligence and personal approach, serves an important purpose, to give user a sense of ownership and to cue user to comply with one’s own medication regimen at the rightful moments.

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The future of technology-enabled healthcare is all about caring connectivity rather than distance and pure functionality. The Pillo app design is the result of a comprehensive research and analysis of user experience in the healthcare field. We strived to create the personality of a humane product that does not just manage supplement and medication schedules but helps users feel empowered and cared for. We wanted to craft the experience of caring connectivity that is easy to understand and interact with for people of different ages, emotional and physical states.

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Stick n seek

Many people hesitate to try new things since they can't decide what to eat or wear. Stick n seek is inspired from the tendency of people to select things that are among their friends interests when they face new stuff in restaurants or stores. It uses RFID tags which are located under food dishes or on the clothes, allowing your friends to suggest you food or clothes to try. You can find the suggested items via the the app once you enter the place. Also, you can surprise someone by buying them a gift so he can come to the mentioned shop and find the secret gift there.

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Mercku, a Canadian IoT hardware company has a launched a new mobile application that puts the host in complete control of the Wi-Fi system's user, bandwidth, and security. Hosts can view the list of users, block and add users with ease, and also block users deemed inappropriate. Also, hosts can control the amount of bandwidth used by each user, limiting their access to the system. Lastly, the system has an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive design and built-in security system that thwarts unwanted hackers, and uninvited guests.

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